Hello Everyone.
We have decided to change things up a bit and Greg will talk about the history of the Welland Canal. Personally, I've seen it but have never been through it. It's a very famous set of locks that has a very interesting history. Greg will then test our knowledge in a trivia contest.
This will be our last meeting until September. We anticipate that will be back to in person meetings. I will confirm closer to the meeting date.
Don't forget to mark on your calendar Wednesday July 13th. Our first outing to Lasalle Park for a picnic from 11-2pm. We will provide a packaged lunch of bottled water and assorted sandwiches & wraps from Mariu's Market. All you need to bring is a hat, chair sunscreen. Please let me know if you will be attending or not as we need to order the food. Also, if you have any restrictions. My information is Phone - 905-639-9138 or Cell - 905-599-8332 or dbutler21@cogeco.ca
The meeting zoom link information :
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87411646144?pwd=RkxLZDZYWHVXTmFqbWxwMjdMVklDUT09 Meeting ID: 874 1164 6144 Passcode: 225665 One tap mobile +15873281099,,87411646144# Canada +16473744685,,87411646144# Canada Dial by your location +1 647 374 4685 Canada +1 647 558 0588 Canada Meeting ID: 874 1164 6144 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keqJePgpXp I hope to see you Wednesday night. Debbie Butler (The above was originally sent out by Debbie as an email)