Ho Ho Hello Everyone You are cordially invited to our very Festive Holiday Lunch on Wednesday November 23rd at 12 noon. See Brenda's invitation letter below. We will be having Swiss Chalet Festive Special for our lunch. You will have a choice of White or Dark chicken with a choice of side of Fries or Baked Potatoe. It also comes with cranberry sauce & stuffing. Please reply to this email with your choices by Friday November 18th. Please let me know if you have any dietary restrictions. If you have not completed the MODC waiver/photo release, here is the link. In-person Program Waiver - https://forms.office.com/r/tU1FUW6W9R I will be sending out the Covid Health Screener on the Wednesday morning, to be completed before arriving for lunch. Hope to see you on the 23rd !! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. Debbie Butler Executive P - (905) 639-9138 C - (905) 599-8332
Editors Note:
Sorry that I was unable to include the beautiful graphics from Brenda's Invitation Letter but here is the text below.
Stroke Recovery Canada – Burlington Chapter
Festive Holiday Luncheon Meeting
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 @ Noon
To: All Members of Stroke Recovery Canada, Burlington Chapter
The Holiday Season is just around the corner! As always, we will celebrate together – with great laughs, friends and cheer – this year.
You are invited to join us for our Festive Holiday Luncheon Meeting on
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at Noon at the Burlington Lions Club.
We are planning on having some fun together…
1. Show off your favourite holiday sweater: Dress to impress with your
favourite holiday attire! (Ugly sweaters are welcome! ) Santa hats are a
2. Share what you love most about the holiday season – a tradition, recipe and drink. During our meeting, we would like everyone to share their favourite holiday tradition, recipe and drink! (We’d like to collect and share these holiday recipes and drinks after the meeting so that we can all enjoy them over the holidays.)
3. Participate in a Festive Jeopardy Game: Greg Mackan will be hosting our Festive Jeopardy Game! All categories will be holiday-themed – and, yes, all answers must be in the form of a question!
We hope you can join us to celebrate the holidays together on November 23 rd .
You never know…Santa might just drop by to say hello!
Your Stroke Recovery Executive Team
Follow up from the above meeting:
Below are pictures of some of the attendees: