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The General Meeting scheduled for Wednesday January 24th at 12 Noon has been changed to the following Wednesday, January 31st

Writer's picture: albeharrellalbeharrell

Updated: Feb 5, 2024

Hello everyone

I’m so sorry but the Rock (Reach Out For Kids) who are next door have bumped us from the hall for Wednesday’s meeting.  We have changed our meeting to the following Wednesday January 31st. 

Please let me know if you can attend the new meeting day. 

Debbie Butler  

Happy New Year to Everyone

Every year at the January meeting,  we have elections for the executive board of our chapter.   Andy Westcott, chairman will introduce each executive member then introduce any new members that would like to join the executive board.  Andy will then ask all of you as chapter members to vote in the executive board for this year. 

As a stroke survivor,  it’s a very long journey of healing of both physically and mentally .  No one understands better what you are going through other than another stroke survivor.  Bertha Avalos, a stroke survivor would like to share her journey of her recovery.

Please let me know if you will be attending as we will once again  be ordering lunches from Marilu’s.    We would like to review the lunches at this time and need your opinions on what is your favourite & least favourite sandwiches, salads and deserts.  Please add your answers with your reply.

Due to the increase numbers of Covid and other respiratory illnesses,  March of Dimes has asked that all volunteers ( Executives ) to wear masks.  It is not mandatory for the chapter  members  but we  will have a box of masks at the front table if you wish to wear one.

You better bundle up this week as the temperatures with the wind chill will be in the negative double digits.

Deadline for your reply is Sunday January 21st.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions or concerns.

Debbie Butler

P - (905) 639-9138

C- (905) 599-8332

Pictures taken at the above meeting:


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