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Updated: May 9, 2023

Good Morning Everyone.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday April 26th at noon. Please let me know if you will be attending as we will be once again ordering lunches from Marilu's.

Allen Beharrell would like to share with us, all the wonderful things he has added to our chapter's website. He has done an excellent job with all the pictures from past events & meetings. If there is extra time, Greg has a few weird & wacky trivia questions for us.

MODC still has the requirement of the Covid health screener to be done prior to arriving at the hall.

For those who are attending, I will send you the link to the Covid Health

Screener on the Wednesday morning.

I hope you will be able to join us on the 26th.

Please don't hesitate to contact me for any questions or concerns.

Debbie Butler

P - (905) 639-9138

C - (905) 599-8332

Follow up from the above meeting:

Below are pictures of some of the attendees:


Updated: Mar 31, 2023

Good morning, everyone

So sorry this message is so late. I’ve been battling a very bad chest cold for the last 2 weeks. We have decided to have a trivia day. Greg has gone through his stacks of trivia games a found the perfect game for our lunch. Please let me know that you will be attending as we are once again ordering individual lunches. March of Dimes is still requiring you to complete the Covid health screener. I will send you the link on Wednesday morning. I hope to see you next Wednesday. Debbie Butler

Follow up from the above meeting:

Below are pictures of some of the attendees:


Updated: Mar 7, 2023

Hello Everyone.

We are excited to have a fantastic guest speaker this month. Kevin Moncion from MacMaster will be presenting "Intensity Matters". It will include topics of post stroke recovery physiotherapy and the importance of exercise.

We will need just few minutes of your time for the members to formally vote in the 2023 Executive Board.

Due to the cancellation of January's meeting, will be celebrating a belated Chinese New Year.

Please confirm your attendance with me as we will once again be ordering lunches from Marilu's

March of Dimes is still requiring a Covid Health Screener to be filled out before you arrive at the Lions Club hall. I will send you the link the morning of the Wednesday 22nd.

I do hope you will be able to join us for another wonderful lunch together.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Debbie Butler

P - 905-639-9138

C - 905-599-8332

Follow up from the above meeting:

Below are pictures of some of the attendees:


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