Hello Everyone
Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend before the hot humid weather arrives.
Our meeting on June 26th will be our last before we break for summer holidays. We will resume our monthly meetings on September 25th.Â
We will be combining our regular meeting with the celebration of the March of Dimes’s Step Up For Stroke fundraiser.  The total donations that we collect are split, 70% to our chapter & 30% to MOD’s After Stroke Programs. Â
I have acquired a special event parking permit for the north lot of the Lions Club. There will be barriers set up so there will be lots of parking spots for everyone.
I have confirmation that 3 very special guests will be joining us . Mayor Marianne Meed Ward,  MP North Oakville/Burlington Natalie Pierre and the Honourable MP Karina Gould.Â
Anyone who wishes to donate online, here is the direct link to our team. You can choose a Team Member or the Whole Team to donate to.
Automatic tax receipts will be issued to your email. Cash & cheque donation will be collected at the meeting. MOD will issue tax receipts for anything over $20. It may take 4-6 weeks to process these donations.Â
The online link will stay open until July 31St . Any cash or cheque donations after the 26th meeting can be mailed or brought in person to Debbie Butler  502-3055 Glencrest Rd, Burlington, ON, L7N 2H4 Cell: (905) 599-8332 New St & Guelph Line area.Â
Please call for a mutual time to get together.Â
There is no pressure or obligation to donate money to our chapter. Everyone is welcome to come and just celebrate with us.Â
The agenda is as follows :
12:00 - Arrival and collection of all cash/cheques/pledge sheets to Debbie Butler at the front table.
12:20 - Speeches from Andy Westcott then special guestsÂ
12:30 - We will cut the ribbon to commence a walk outside (optional) on the sidewalk around the small kids park then back through the north lot.Â
1:00 - Join us in a delicious lunch Â
There will be no 50/50 tickets for this meeting.
Please send me a quick note of YES or NO for your attendance so we may order the correct number of lunches.
FYIÂ - Notices
 - Andy Westcott has booked a boat cruise up the 16 mile creek in Oakville/Bronte for mid September with a catered BBQ lunch. Andy to give more details at the Sept. meeting.Â
 - The Yearly Fee of $25 is due at our September 25th meeting. The yearly fee must be paid at the Sept meeting to participate in the boat cruise.Â
Come and celebrate with us at our June 26th meeting. If you can't make it, have a fantastic summer and I will see you in September
Debbie Butler
Team CaptainÂ
Stroke Recovery Burlington
Cell : (905) 599-8332
Follow up from the above meeting:
A message from Andy Westcott, our President:
Hi I want to thank you as our team who put the event together and raised a lot of money. Everything was so organized and professional. Guests were welcomed and made to feel appreciated. Members seemed to enjoy themselves as well.
We have every reason to feel proud of ourselves, Andy