You can raise money and help empower independence and ability across Canada. Funds will go towards March of Dimes Canada’s After Stroke program, which supports people impacted by stroke right in your community and across our country. Once again MODC will be holding their big fundraiser "Walk'n Roll". The campaign is underway and ends in a big all day closing celebration on Saturday August 28th.
The 2021 challenge: to cover 7,821 km, the distance of the main route of the Trans-Canada Highway.
What you do:
Register as an individual or part of a team.
Chose an activity – anything you like – and the distance you’ll cover doing it. (Your time investment can be converted into distance.)
Get your family and friends to donate or to participate!
Complete your activity.
Join us for an online closing celebration on August 28, 2021!
You’ll achieve two goals – raising money and getting active. Together, we’ll make a difference!
If you can, please go to the MODC website for the "Walk'n Roll" on the internet at
If you would like to register as a Team Member click on "Register", then "Ontario" then "Join a Team". Type "Stroke Recovery Burlington". Choose Returning Participant or New then follow instructions to complete the registration.
If you would like to donate to our team, please click on "Donate". Select Team "Stroke Recovery Burlington" to get to our Team Page. Follow the instructions to complete your donation.
If you would like to donate through one of our team members (so far there are 3 members currently registered) enter the team member's name under the "Individual" heading. Follow the instructions to complete your donation.
With the money we raise, 70% comes to our chapter and 30% goes to MODC for all of their programs. Once we are back to in person meeting, we really want to get back to scheduling some new and exciting events to go to for all members.
Debbie Butler
Walk'n Roll Team Leader