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Good morning everyone

Wow, I haven't seen this much snow since I was a child in Montreal. 

Our next chapter meeting will be on Wednesday February 26th at 12 noon.   We will be having a fun game day with a BINGO.   As always, please let me know YES  you can attend or NO sorry not this month, as once again we will be ordering lunches from Marilu’s.  

So far the weather is looking good for the 26th.  If it turns nasty, I will send out a cancellation notice to all confirmed attendees. 

Hope to see you there.  Stay safe & warm at home with a good book or a great movie. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Debbie Butler 


Cell: (905) 599-8332


Happy New Year Everyone

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday January 22nd at 12 noon.


The first meeting in the new year we always like to introduce the chapter executive board members and ask you, the members of our chapter to vote to approve the continuation of this executive board for the 2025 calendar year. 

This month Andy Westcott, the Chair (President) of our chapter will go over what we have planned for our monthly meetings as well as any scheduled special outings into the first few months of the fall.


Please let me know YES you will be attending or NO sorry not this month as we will be ordering lunches from Marilu’s  

Hope to see you on Wednesday January 22nd. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

Debbie Butler 



Cell - (905) 599-8332

As is our custom we show pictures taken at an event if there are any.


To:  All Members of Stroke Recovery Burlington Chapter

The Holiday Season is just around the corner!  As always, we will celebrate together – with great laughs, friends and cheer – this year. 

You are invited to join us for our  Festive Holiday Luncheon Meeting on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at Noon at the Cherry House Restaurant Located at 3106 South Service Road. Across From The Holiday Inn, Guelph Line & Harvester Road. 

We are planning on having some fun together…

  1. Show off your favourite holiday sweater: Dress to impress with your favourite holiday attire! (Ugly sweaters are welcome)  Santa hats are a must, Ho Ho!!

  1. Christmas Lunch Menu :


Soup or mixed green salad

10oz Steak or Chicken or Salmon or Vegetarian Linguine

Ice Cream or Sorbet or Maple Tart

The restaurant does not need your menu choices ahead of time.

Please confirm your attendance to Debbie Butler by Monday November 18th. 

We hope you can join us to celebrate the holidays together on November 27rd.  You never know…Santa might just drop by to say hello

As is our custom we show pictures taken at an event if there are any.

Your Stroke Recovery Executive Team


               Copywright 2003 - 2024 Stroke Recovery Burlington



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